Join us

The irreversible transition

Joining B of Joy co-op

In the Vision & Mission, you have read that B of Joy co-op stands for a "Good Stewardship of All Life" as its central vision. To shape this vision, in its mission, B of Joy co-op makes available serviceable financial products & services to develop and promote local interest-free economies.

B of Joy co-op as the "House of People" serves its members and society. In doing so, it has laid a foundation for the realisation of a peaceful world where prosperity, welfare and well-being are the norm. More and more people understand what B of Joy co-op stands for and are streaming in as participants.

And now it is up to you to make a choice below, because we can talk about it for years, but only by DOING things will change. All B of Joy co-op members welcome you.


1. Signing up as a Volunteer

B of Joy co-op is experiencing unstoppable organic growth. As a result, B of Joy co-op regularly has vacancies for volunteers who love to get down to business. All B of Joy co-op team members work on a voluntary basis, but not without obligation. As soon as B of Joy co-op has sufficient finances, volunteering can be converted to working with pay. Do you have a minimum of 10 hours per week available? Then click on "Read more" button!

Read more about volunteering



2. Signing up as a Donor

Donors can make a no-obligation financial contribution. You can do this once or as often as you like. For us, this is invaluable, because as a European Cooperative under construction, B of Joy co-op has to deal with costs. These include IT website hosting, security, programming, communication, video production, printing and many other practical matters. Would you like to make a donation from the heart? Then click on the "Join us" button! When filling in the contact form, state clearly what you are signing up for.

Join us a Donor



3. Sign up as a Supporter

As a Supporter you support B of Joy co-op in its chances of achieving its Vision & Mission which generates an effective, pro-life, cooperative financial platform. With a contribution of at least € 25, you have, if desired, paid your first year of B of Joy co-op annual contribution as a Supporter. The annual contribution starts on a date to be determined, but will take effect at the latest when an internet banking licence is in place. Want to become a Supporter? Then click on the 'Join us" button! When filling in the contact form, state clearly what you are signing up for.

Join us as a Supporter



4. Signing up for "Eternal Member Certificates" (EMC)

Signing up for "Eternal Member Certificates" (EMC), you become a co-owner of B of Joy co-op. Depending on your investment, you will receive one or more numbered EMCs. The EMCs are your property for life and transferable via inheritance. As an "EMC holder", you share in the F.E.E.S. returns as soon as there is an internet banking licence. As an EMC holder, by also taking up the Supporter membership, you have one vote in the members' meeting, which determines future returns. Are you keen to become a co-owner of B of Joy co-op now? Then click the "Join us" button! When filling in the contact form, state clearly what you are signing up for.

Join us as a EMC holder