The aim of B of Joy co-op

Available for the fully participating

The primary purpose of B of Joy co-op is to make primarily available to its members in the European Economic Area (EEA) and secondarily worldwide, financial products and services for the development and promotion of local interest-free economies, based on a "Good Stewardship of All Life". Thus, B of Joy co-op makes available the following choices:

•    Interest-free URA payment accounts for private and business use.
•    The interest-free URA “currency” as a value-based, circular, internal unit of account.
•    The interest-free URA platform including marketplace, business directory and web shop.
•    Adding the URA to your webshop's payment methods via WooCommerce as a WordPress plugin.
•    The hosting, IT and ICT maintenance of all necessary B of Joy co-op websites.
•    (*) Development methodologies to promote local economies worldwide.
•    The realisation of a peaceful world where prosperity, welfare and well-being are the norm.
•    (*) Right of participation in the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of B of Joy co-op.
•    (*) The right of one vote when participating in the AGM, irrespective of the number of EMCs one holds.
•    (*) Making IBAN checking accounts and debit cards available through external parties.
•    (*) Rental purchase and lease contracts for the usufruct of movable and/or immovable property.
•    (*) If desired by a majority of members, the application for an internet banking licence.
•    Promotion of Financial, Ecological, Emotional and Social returns based on natural growth.
•    (*) Facilitating a purchasing and investment collective for building members' purchasing power.


(*) These features are still under construction and/or development.
B of Joy co-op makes the benefits of its activities and possibilities exclusively available to its members. B of Joy co-op is the 'House of the People'. B of Joy co-op is a platform of, for and by the people, where all value exchanges are interest-free and self-managed. Within all B of Joy co-op manifestations, charging interest is strictly prohibited.

B of Joy co-op may in general perform all commercial, idealistic, industrial, financial, movable and/or immovable acts in a direct or indirect connection with its social financial objective, or which would be of a nature to facilitate the realisation thereof in whole or in part.

Would you like to support or join the B of Joy co-op initiative? Only together can we change the world cooperatively in a positive way! Click on the "Join us" botton to sign up and let people within your network know about B of Joy co-op.


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