Products & Services

The value-based URA

URA availability worldwide


The local internal currency the URA The URA currency is an internal medium of exchange. The URA is only used circularly by B of Joy co-op participants as a unit of account within the private circle of the URA platform. The URA is not a crypto currency or a derivative of the Bitcoin concept and not based on blockchain technology. The URA stimulates the local economy for entrepreneurial B of Joy co-op participants on a global level.

The URA as a currency of value Only humans create real value within the economy. If one turns sand into glass, it is because of human effort. The URA derives its ultimate value from HOURS and Labour. Hours and labour are fixed in value. In 10 years, it will still have the same real value. This makes the URA more stable in value than gold because one speculates with gold. This affects the current price of gold.
The URA as a means of service All investments with URAs are placed in the real economy and give Financial, Ecological, Emotional and Social returns on capital based on natural growth. These are investments in raw materials, honest entrepreneurship, organic food, natural forces, real estate, clean water and people. These investments serve humans, who will always continue to use them.

The URA platform Peacefully realising a world where prosperity, welfare and well-being are once again the norm is possible. To achieve this, a comprehensive financial platform is needed. The URA and the URA platform is such a platform for every person as the ultimate opportunity and choice. Participants use the URA internally to exchange products and services within the URA platform.

  1. The URA platform is THE foundation for the realisation of a peaceful world in which prosperity, welfare and well-being be the standard again.
  2. Within the URA platform, millions of people worldwide can find each other through the business directory, marketplace and purchasing collective.
  3. The URA platform is a service-based financial system in which you can pay through your own URA payment account using a mobile phone or via the internet.
  4. Within the URA platform, a “Good Stewardship of All Life” is the standard in which one strives for a fair and just circular economy.
  5. The URA platform is an ideal meeting place for businesses and individuals to share innovation, inspiration, supply and demand.
  6. Within the URA platform we meet in a “Glocal” economy. On a “global” level, “local” economies are stimulated.
  7. The URA platform enables a peaceful transition to a new world because we, as people spend our money sustainably.
  8. Within the URA platform, we are laying the foundation for a new form of cooperative enterprising as being Of, For and By the people themselves.
  9. The URA platform has the potential to grow into a fully-fledged financial platform of the people.

The morality and ethos of the URA platform is based on the Declaration of Peace. It is Of, For and By the people, with the unique opportunity to build a better future for us all. Want to join or learn more about the URA platform? Then click on the "Join us" button! When filling in the contact form, clearly indicate what you are signing up for.

Open a URA account



IBAN bank account and debit card Cooperatively creating a living environment where prosperity, welfare and well-being are once again the norm requires a comprehensive financial platform where there is a good toolbox. In the toolbox, the URA platform is phase 1. Thanks to its participants, the URA platform has already started shaping the beautiful new world we as humanity wish for our children.

Phase 2 involves the IBAN payment account and debit card as a transition tool. With phase 2 in place, B of Joy co-op participants can continue to build within the URA platform, and on the other hand keep the connection with the "old" world to make payments that are not (yet) possible within the URA platform. Phase 2 allows for a peaceful transition towards a beautiful new world.

With sufficient inflow of new participants within the European cooperative B of Joy co-op, its own IBAN checking account and debit card will be made available in some time - exclusively to its fully participating participants. B of Joy co-op has entered into partnerships for it. With phase 1 and 2, we are realising the basis of current banking in a new innovative form.

Phase 3 involves the realisation of a cooperative, full reserve, interest-free, pro-life internet bank. B of Joy co-op assumes that phases 1 and 2 will provide such momentum that the previously envisaged target of at least 10,000 Eternal Certificate holders, will be far exceeded. Will you also join? Then click on the "Join us" button! When filling in the contact form, indicate clearly what you are signing up for. 


B of Joy co-op debit card

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