B of Joy is a citizens initiative of professionals, who are forming a sustainable, cooperative, fair-trade, pro-life, savings- and investment bank. We have experience in financial organizations and are experts on our own specialist field. The initiative is of, for and by the people. We ourselves are the change. B of Joy helps with the positive growth of both awareness and the economy, and puts the citizens and society first. Through B of Joy, a cooperative bank is being formed that has as its goals a just society and a healthy economy. In this our starting point is abundance instead of shortages.
Saving, investment and yield with B of Joy. As a full reserve bank, we don't lend out more money than we have received. Next to Financial returns, B of Joy also gives Ecological, Emotional and Social (F.E.E.S) returns. We invest in local economies, in innovation and in Small and Medium Enterprises. The backbone and motor of the economy. The B of B of Joy doesn’t only stand for bank. It stands also for Awareness, Citizen and Movement.
As soon as the Movement is big enough, we will instigate referenda, so that citizens can determine policies themselves. For example: in Switzerland all citizens can vote on important issues. B of Joy is of service to people, nature and society. B of Joy doesn’t work with bonuses, interest and speculation. B of Joy guarantees sustainable development and a stable economy. We will turn money back into a means of transaction so that it will serve us again.
For 25 euro or more you are a supporter of the initiative and, if you want, a member for the first year free of charge. For 100 euro you are a part-owner of the bank and you will receive a member certificate that in the future can give yield. By taking part you help create a just society based on abundance. For ourselves, for our children and the future of our world. Will you join us?
ANNOUNCEMENT, The Central Bank of the Netherlands has requested, based on article 3:7 subsection 1 of the Dutch financial supervisory law, that United People Foundation remove the word bank from the business name Bank of Joy. Also, the name Bank of Joy may not be used on this website. We will carry on as B of Joy. The word bank will be re-instated as soon as this citizens initiative by professionals has acquired a banking license.