A new lecture online on Youtube that you should definitely see.
This 2022 lecture is in two parts and is for entrepreneurs and all people who want to turn the tide.
Part 1 discusses the mechanisms used by the old powers to drain a lot of money from the real economy and how to control society.
This part starts with sharing the solutions to change course that will allow us to preserve our prosperity, well-being and freedom and take back what was lost.
The URA and the URA-Platform together create a just society and a healthy economy.
VIDEO : Free & Joyful Entrepreneurship with the URA part 1
Part 2 takes a closer look at all the possibilities offered by the URA and the URA-Platform. Everything an entrepreneur and fellow human being needs to know is covered.
It explains how the transition will take place in three phases; provides insight into how a peaceful transition through multiple phases, without adverse effects, is possible within each country.
The goal is 'A Good Stewardship of All Life' and with that, PROSPERITY, WELBEING and FREEDOM come into view for every URA-participant.
VIDEO : Free & Joyful Entrepreneurship with the URA part 2