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Newsletter 1st edition 2024

This newsletter is the result of hard work behind the scenes. We invite you to participate in the desired next phase, to make the cooperative truly solid.


Dear interested party, supporter and participant,


It is with great pleasure that we present the first edition of the B of Joy co-op newsletter. We succeeded thanks to the long breath and enormous effort of a modest group of united people combined with your patience and support. A feat of innovative, professional and sustainable work has been accomplished. We are moving in the right direction and we are happy to update you on what has been accomplished and where we stand. We wish you much reading pleasure.




Progress of the transformation

It took many long months of internal development and external resistance, but since September 27, 2024 it is no longer necessary to make a reservation to participate in B of Joy co-op in formation. We have sent a personal invitation to join by email, only to those who made a reservation to participate as an EMC holder, Supporter, Donor or on the URA platform. If you made a reservation in the recent months and you missed our e-mail, please check your (spam) mailbox again.


To get acquainted with the new financial cooperative system, the content of the B of Joy co-op website has been revamped across the board. Eventually, the website will look very modern and intuitive, but it is already worth a visit. There are new short videos and the board of this European cooperative (SCE)  would like to introduce itself to you.


B of Joy co-op DebitcardVWe still need to be patient regarding the introduction of the B of Joy co-op Debit Card and IBAN checking account, as all the necessary steps have not yet been completed. External lawyers, legal experts and financial experts are working together with our team members to reach the full realization of phase 2. Everything requires incredible knowledge, attention, cooperation and shared dedication. It also requires everyone to rethink and that is proving difficult. In our society, we are raised with certain assumptions from an early age. Abandoning these, even to establish a more just system, is not what we are taught in schools and universities. Mostly we just assume that things should be as they are done or portrayed


As indicated in the December 2023 newsletter, an EMC holder becomes an active shareholder by registering as a Supporter. This pays the annual membership fee for the first year and the EMC holder contributes to the fixed expenses of their own cooperative. Anyone who is not yet a Supporter and has not previously made a reservation, but would like to become an active shareholder, can do so via this link. In doing so, the active EMC-member is going to have a lot at his disposal within B of Joy co-op.


B of Joy co-op YouTube channel

For you, and anyone you want to invite, you'll find a short video on the B of Joy co-op YouTube channel as an invitation to join the URA platform.


Cocoons are just butterflies-to-be


An invitation to move with us

Have we been disconnected from our social networks and mutual cohesion in recent decades? Are we being played off against each other and forced to take a position? For or against someone. For or against vaccination. For or against Ukraine. The media brings it black-and-white and society polarizes. We have given systems and institutions the power to exercise power over us. As a result, many of us adapt, stay in their own safe bubble and do not raise their heads above the surface. We have come to think all that is quite normal.


Since 2016, we have been inviting people to connect to a greater whole. For a society where individuals are not disconnected parts, but interconnected, mutually reinforcing and supportive.


As an individual, you can become independent if you are allowed to have a say in all areas that shape a society. That is in the areas of living, working, health, education, traffic safety, clean water, clean energy, etc. etc. The system B of Joy co-op has worked out is a cooperative system that works through the EMC and the URA platform. Another name for this is “the House of the People,” in which members are co-owners and each member has 1 vote.


Now the moment from dream to realization is near, the question arises: how are you using the time ahead? How are you preparing for the moment when we say: Yes, here you can become an EMC member and Supporter, here is your debit card. What are you going to do then? Because YOU will have a say in YOUR cooperative for a new society. One of prosperity, welfare and well-being. To whom will you spend your money? Which products will you buy? But also, as a supplier: will you participate for a just price on the URA Platform? And if you have savings, for what products or services are you willing to invest in?


Do you dare to scrutinize your habits, assumptions and attitudes? Do you understand that polarization drains all your energy? Want to help connect with each other (again)? These are wonderful subjects; they shape your life and the lives of those around you. How we position ourselves is how society will form and therefor influence future generations.


There are so many wonderful people living on this planet. So many opportunities to generate a life of abundance in a pure way. The first step is to believe in it … then finding like-minded people and go for it. You are most welcome to join the B of Joy co-op! Together we are strong. Thank you!


The chairman of B of Joy co-op





In a world full of tension, uncertainty and feeling unsafe, it is an oasis of peace and confidence to end up in the house of the B of Joy co-op. Where we can give you a taste and show you what the co-op can do for you. Truly being there for the living human being in all his aspects is a high priority at the cooperative and the violet, which grows in all kinds of grass and soil, stands for love. This love for people, which we stand for, makes you feel completely at home when participating in our cooperative. This is how something beautiful grows in this tangled world. Will we see you in the “House of the People”? You can join here.


A team member



Some reflection on what is to come

lezing B of Joy & URA als de Ark van NoachOver the years Ronald Bernard and Michael Sabbe have told a lot through lectures and interviews. Much of it can be found on YouTube and Rumble channels. What’s been expressed through the lecture It's In Our Hands now falls completely into places.


It can’t be ignored by anyone anymore. The QR code will become (no later than 2027) the definitive standard: Dutch news article or retail-website. So, this tool is not and never has been so innocuous. It reads:

In 2027, the bar code will give way to the checkered QR code. The main reason is that the new code can contain much more information besides an identification code. And the code can be linked to all kinds of information sources. In addition, consumers can scan QR codes themselves with their smartphones.

Let's look more consciously at the target year 2028 and especially at: Is that a little too crazy?


Well, the old powers have had their vision of the future for a very long time. It is almost surreal to see how almost everything falls into place of what Ronald Bernard heard through his work from the 1980s onward, but what he had waved away as total nonsense. Perhaps only the upcoming services and products of B of Joy co-op can ensure, that for some, or perhaps for all, the outcome and course of their lives will change, based on choosing differently.




Interview by Nikolai Schweber

Nikolai Schweber conducted an in-depth interview with Ronald Bernard. Parts 3 through 5 of the multi-hour interview have been published since the last newsletter. All information and links are available on this newsflash page where the published parts can be found. We hereby highlight part 5.


Part 5: Liberation and benefits for the people

Ronald Bernard speaks about the URA as a currency of value, how it is embedded and future-proofed. You'll find out how people are now liberating themselves from the current control system WITHOUT FIGHT. The B of Joy co-op as a “House of the People” enables cooperative and solution-oriented support for each other in building a society where prosperity, welfare and well-being are normal again. With the B of Joy co-op and the URA platform, all people have the choice of a new beginning on the road to peace. Watch this video and discover the many features of the URA platform.


Doing is better than thinking.

a slogan for free thinkers:

‘Doing is the best way of thinking.'


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