At the end of the year, many wonder with what thoughts do we enter 2025? The holidays may offer you some time for reflection and deepening.
Dear interested party, supporter and participant,
The end of 2024 is in sight. A year in which once again much has come to light. In our scoop edition, you were able to read that important steps have been taken for the establishment of the B of Joy co-op and that we are preparing for the next phase. Perhaps we'll inspire you with our New Year's reflection to join us. We wish you much reading pleasure.
‘Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves; Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.’
Writer: Marianne Williamson
Why this famous passage is often cited as a quote from Nelson Mandela.
How do I do that? Can I do that? Do I really want it and what am I practically willing to change? How much influence do I have on this and where should I start?
All of us combined make up society and so we do have influence on this change. We have the most influence on ourselves and (in-)directly on our environment. But where should we start?
It’s all about awareness. Pointing the finger at everything you and I think is not right, won’t add or change anything. We may rightly ask ourselves the following question:
If you are open to this, start with small changes. Some ideas:
Can I change my behaviour in a healthy way regarding drinking water consumption, energy consumption, food waste, recycling materials, etc.?
Consuming less...that sounds good. Could I really?
Do I care about people near me, my neighbours, my friends, my family, my colleagues, etc.?
Do I pay attention to the small businessman in my village or that part of town where I live?
Am I being thoughtful about the animal world?
Do I bother buying my groceries from farmers instead of the big supermarkets?
Can I reduce my footprint of earth's pollution, or rather, can I contribute to making that place on earth where I live healthier and more beautiful?
In fact, there are many initiatives worldwide to apply permaculture on balconies.
I am sure there are many more wonderful ideas. Like being kinder and more considerate of our earth (our mother who gives us so much every day).
If we practice that, the earth will look a lot nicer next year.
With warm URA greetings,
Paul, board member
One day a man was walking up the mountain and saw a female hermit sitting. He asked the hermit: what are you doing here in seclusion? She replied: I have a lot of work to do.
The man said: how come you have so much work to do? I don't see you doing anything, there is nothing here but silence.
Yes, I am: I am training 2 hawks and 2 eagles and calming 2 rabbits. I am teaching a snake discipline, motivating a monkey and taming a lion.
He asks: So where are they? I don't see them at all.
The hermit replies: They are inside me:
The hawks are focused on everything presented to me, good and bad. I have to train them to stay properly focused on the good. They are my eyes.
The 2 eagles with their strong claws, can hurt and destroy. I have to train them not to destroy, but to do the right thing. They are my hands.
The rabbits want to go their own way and run away from difficult situations. I have to teach them to stay calm and composed, even if we suffer from grief or a mental breakdown. They are my feet.
The monkey is always tired, he is stubborn and persistent and often does not want to carry his load, cargo or workload. He is my body.
The hardest part is taming the snake. Although the snake is in a solid cage, it is always ready to bite and spray venom, to anyone nearby. I have to tame and to teach the snake discipline. The snake represents my words I speak.
I also have a lion. Oh... how proud, vain. He thinks he is the king. I am going to tame him. He is my ego.
As you see my friend, I have a lot of work to do. And you, what are you working on?
Source: unknown to us.
The EMC was highlighted as a sustainable gift on our social media channels in December. Here too, we want to emphasize that an EMC is not just a share, but an important part of the core values of B of Joy co-op, with this as a goal.
In support of this campaign, a newsflash has been created containing all the conditions and points of interest. Since an EMC helps create a better future, the link Come, let's go for it! can be shared and used by everyone..
If you think the world has plunged into total chaos, it may as well not be true. We cannot verify the accuracy of 99.9% of all reports.
This rightly raises the question: Do we need news at all to be happy? To live? To build a new just society?
To find your answer just have a look in the animal world and at anything related to nature. Nature, as always, gives the right answer.
News reports can give us gloomy thoughts and make us feel dejected, but with the answers found in nature, you become a different person. The answers are there for the taking if we are willing to search for them thoroughly.
As the board of the B of Joy co-op, we give our best to the development and realization of a new financial system. We did so in 2024 and we will continue with ambition and enthusiasm in the year ahead. We believe that justice is a crucial part of nature. So, although the world exhibits chaos, it is inevitable that this equitable financial system, the URA platform, will be a success.
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