May 10, 2023: lecture Ronald Bernard Oostkamp-Belgium

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Ronald Bernard



Ronald Bernard comes to Vlaanderen with this new lecture!

  *** The lecture will be held in Dutch ***


The world as we knew it until recently no longer exists. Many of us did not know that old powers have been playing and unbalancing us for a long time.

Since 2020 one crisis after another has poured over us and this unique lecture exposes what is going on, which way it threatens to go and what you can change about it in a loving way.


Ronald Bernard reaches out to you, with opportunities to create a world of peace, well-being and prosperity together.
This through the introduction of your own financial platform, the URA currency and the creation of B of Joy cooperative that can grow into a real bank.

In this cooperative, members are both owners and customers and profits do not flow to the top. In it, money regains its original role as a serviceable medium of exchange.


By committing ourselves to the B of Joy and United People Foundation, we escape the European digital money that will soon be forced upon us and with which our right to bank without supervision/control will disappear.


Get inspired and take the wheel back into your own hands; together we are the change!


Oostkamp - Belgium | Ronald Bernard | Wednesday, May 10 | 7:30 p.m.
Address: CC de Valkaart - Albrecht Rodenbachstraat 42, 8020 Oostkamp
Cost: € 18 per person 


More information about this lecture can be found on the site of Tegenstroom and for ordering tickets: